«Improvement of the provision of specialized medical care to children in State Healthcare Institution «Children’s Central City Clinical Polyclinic of Grodno»

Humanitarian project «Improvement of the provision of specialized medical care to children in State Healthcare Institution «Children’s Central City Clinical Polyclinic of Grodno»


1. Name of the project: «Improvement of the provision of specialized medical care to children» in State Healthcare Institution «Children’s Central City Clinical Polyclinic of Grodno»
2. Implementation period of the project: 1 year
3. Organization, suggesting the project: State Healthcare Institution «Children’s Central City Clinical Polyclinic of Grodno»
4. Project goals:

Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI), including ENT organs, are the most common for children who require highly qualified medical assistance according to epidemiological researches. The project goal is quality improvement and availability of medical care for children with ENT pathology.

5. Tasks that need to be carried out to perform the project:

Providing workplaces with modern equipment.

6. Target Group: Child population of Grodno
7. Short description of the project events:

Respiratory diseases, including ENT organs, prevail in a structure of the morbidity among child population.  These diseases become chronic form and contribute
to increasing amount of children who are ill very often. This group of children need highly qualified ENT medical assistance which is have to provide services with modern hightech equipment. For realization of this project it’s necessary to purchase:

–  otorhinolaryngological «combine» with diagnostic devices and equipment for treatment — 2;

–  cupboard for instruments and stuff — 2;

–  doctor’schair — 2;

–  patient’schair — 2;

8Funding (USD): 40 000
Sourceoffunding: Funding(USD)
Donorfunds: 40000
9. Place of the project realization:

Dovator street, 23.,Grodno, Republic of Belarus

10. Contact Person:

Onegin Evgeny Evgenievich

Chief Physician

Children’s Central City Clinical Polyclinic in Grodno

Tel.(80152) 55 88 25

e-mail: dgp-1@mail.grodno.by