Eco-formula «Sprouts of the Future», humanitarian project of the State Educational Institution «Srednepechansky kindergarten-basic school» of the Lelchitsky district
1. Project name: Eco-formula «Sprouts of the Future» | |
2. Project implementation period: 2022–2023. | |
3. Applicant organization offering the project: State Educational Institution «Srednepechansky kindergarten-basic school» | |
4. The purpose of the project: the formation of the ecological culture of students, including of disabled children, on the basis of labor, spiritual and moral development of the individual through joint activities, teachers, students and residents of the location, by purchasing and installing a greenhouse, labor education of the younger generation | |
5. Tasks planned for implementation within the framework of the project:
1. Creating conditions for useful employment of students with an environmental orientation, of disabled children, instilling labor skills and love for working on the land. 2. Fostering a sense of responsibility for the environment and hard work. 3. The formation of practical skills in the cultivation of flower and ornamental crops, the dissemination of environmental knowledge among students and the local population. 4. Promotion of employment of citizens with special needs, rehabilitation of disabled children. 5. The improvement of the environmental situation in the location. |
6. Target group: students and teachers of the state educational institution «Srednepechansky kindergarten-basic school», residents of the village of Srednepechansky, disabled children, and citizens with special needs. | |
7. Brief description of the project activities:
• Development of the project design. • Preparation of the land plot for the greenhouse and recreation areas. • Purchase and installation of a greenhouse (heated). • Arrangement of greenhouses, purchase of planting materials and garden equipment. • Cultivation of ornamental shrubs and trees, seedlings of plants and flowers. • Design of recreation areas, landscaping of the territory near the greenhouse. |
8. Previous aid received from other foreign sources | Sponsorship in the amount of 5 000 euros from the Italian association of Mirano «Together to live» |
9. Total funding (in US dollars): | |
Source of funding | Amount of funding
(in the US dollars) |
Donor funds | 30 000 |
Co-financing | 3 000 |
10. Project location (region/district, city): Gomel region, Lelchitsky district, Sredniye Pechi | |
11. Reason for the project: The state Educational Institution «Srednepechansky Kindergarten-Basic School» is an educational institution of the Republic of Belarus, located 12 km from the district center, within the village, away from the highway in the green zone in the village of Srednye Pechi.
The territory of this settlement is located in the zone of radioactive contamination. Under the jurisdiction of the educational institution there is a land plot with an area of 1 ha, where garden trees (apple trees) are growing. They are more than 50 years old. Currently, the productivity of these trees is reduced by 80 %. Recently, all over the world, special attention is paid to the formation of an ecological worldview among the population, improving the environmental situation. This project is aimed at environmental education of students and residents of the locality, the subsequent organization of environmental labor camps for students, improving the material and technical base of the educational institution. During the implementation of the project, phytozones, igrozones will be created and subsequently improved for conducting environmental search and research activities, excursions of an ecological nature orientation with students and residents of the settlement in order to form their aesthetic perception of the world around them, realize creative needs in the bosom of nature, instill labor skills and skills, love of work on the ground. The proceeds from the sale of grown ornamental shrubs and trees will serve as a source of financing for repair work on the maintenance of an educational institution, its improvement and modernization, which, in turn, will improve the quality of the learning and upbringing process, and create comfortable conditions for the rehabilitation of disabled people. |
12. Contact person:
S.A. Voronovich, Principal of the State Educational Institution «Srednepechansky kindergarten-basic school», phone numbers: +375 29 346 94 82, 8 023 564 60 47, e-mail address: |
We look forward to collaborating!