«Museum without borders»
Humanitarian project «Museum without borders»
1. Project title: Museum without borders | |
2. Project dates: 12 months | |
3. Name of the organization-applicant: cultural institution Ivye Museum of National Cultures | |
4. Project goal:
· providing a favorable environment for the visually impaired in the museum; · teaching children to interact with people with disabilities; · education and cultural upbringing of children and disabled people; · familiarizing people with disabilities to the perception of museum culture by introducing interactive technologies into the museum space; · education of religious and cultural tolerance through interactive excursions and programs for the introduction of interactive excursions. |
5. Project objectives:
1) Equip the exhibition halls of the museum with modern equipment. (touch screens with audio and video support for the visitor in several languages: Belarusian, Russian, English, Polish, Chinese). Purchase a video projector and acoustic system for sound accompaniment of museum events. 2) Equip the exhibits of the museum’s exhibition halls with Braille, which will make the museum more accessible to visually impaired people. 3) Add interactive models of some objects to the museum exposition, for better perception of information by visually impaired people, as well as for conducting interactive activities with children. 4) Conduct video filming and audio recording of an excursion around the entire exposition of the museum, for field events in boarding houses and boarding houses for people with disabilities. |
6.Beneficiaries: residents of the Republic of Belarus, foreign tourists, including low-income, incomplete, large, socially unprotected families, people with disabilities. | |
7. Brief description of project activities:
Creation of a virtual tour of the museum exposition. Development of inclusive cultural and educational programs with the development of a methodology aimed at children and recognizing that all children are individuals with different learning needs. Conducting mixed interactive excursions for schoolchildren and people with disabilities, which will affect the teaching of interaction between children and people with disabilities and the introduction of people with disabilities to the general museum culture. Organization of interactive excursions for mixed groups of representatives of different religious confessions to foster tolerance and personal interaction of representatives of different traditions with each other. As part of the project, the exhibition halls of the museum will be equipped with modern equipment that will allow the introduction of interactive teaching methods. It is planned to purchase furniture and equipment, interactive technology, purchase a hanging system for exhibiting, purchase and install directional lighting, sound systems for exhibition halls, software (development of an application for independent study of the museum exposition). |
8. Amount requested in USD: 40 000 | |
Source of financing | volume of financing in USD
Donor funds | 40 000 |
Co-financing (own contribution) | 0 |
8. Project location (region, town): Grodno region/Ivye | |
9. Contact person: last name, first name, position, phone number, e-mail address Maskalevich Katsiaryna, director, 80159523245, info@ivye-museum.by |