«Equal Opportunities for Everyone»


Project name: «Equal Opportunities for Everyone»

Organization name: the educational institution “Grodno State Medical College”

Physical and legal address of the organization, phone, fax: 53 BLK str., Grodno region, Grodno, 230017, Republic of Belarus, phone. 8(0152)447300, fax: 8(0152)447301

Information on the organization:

The Educational Institution “Grodno State Medical College” is the oldest one in the Republic of Belarus. The first mention of it dates back to the 16th century.

On the 24th of May, 1975 in accordance with the order №135 of Grodno Regional Executive Committee health department it was registered as the “Grodno state medical school”. On the 13th of June, 2003 it was renamed by the decision  № 396 of Grodno Regional Executive Committee to Educational Institution “Grodno State Medical College”.

The college carries out educational activities to prepare specialists with secondary specialized education in the specialties “Medical and Diagnostic Treatment”, “Massage Therapy”, “Medical Treatment”, and “Nursing”.


The contact person: Mr. Pashuk V.Т., the headmaster of the college, 8(0152)447300,

e-mail: medkolleg@mail.grodno.by

Previous assistance received from other foreign sources: the college hasn’t previously collaborated with foreign partners

Required amount: € 64300 EUR

Co-financing: € 2000 EUR

Project Duration: 12 months

Objectives of the project: provision of each student, including the categories of students with visual disabilities, with the opportunity to watch movies, video materials with tiflocommentation, to visits clubs or sections by choice, creating equal conditions for participation in cultural events, familiarization to the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of our country and abroad.


Project tasks:

  • formation of an inclusive culture in the educational institution;
  • integration of people with disabilities to a healthy society;
  • adaptation to an active socio-cultural life;
  • social interaction with students with disabilities;
  • achievement of autonomy of students with disabilities.

Task Force: blind students and students with visual disabilities, pupils of the State Educational Institution “Grodno Special General Education Boarding School for Children with Visual Disabilities”; visually impaired of Grodno.

A summary of the project activities:

  • providing of comfortable conditions for the development of creative abilities of the visually impaired students;
  • major repair of the assembly hall, refurbishment of the furniture, acquisition of stage;
  • acquisition of multimedia equipment, musical equipment, musical instruments for blind students.


Founding of the project:

The Educational Institution “Grodno State Medical College” is the only educational institution in the Republic of Belarus that implements educational programs in the specialty “Massage Therapy” for the blind and visually impaired.

Nowadays the problem of social adaptation of people with disabilities, their fitness for a full life in the society of healthy people is gaining special attention. According to statistics, the number of children with disabilities is increasing every year. Annually for 25 years 50 people with visual impairments are training at the college, and nearly 60 people at the State Educational Institution “Grodno Special General Education Boarding School for Children with Visual Disabilities”.

The college has long experience in developing the unique abilities of students with visual impairments, and creates a comfortable environment for the versatile personality socialization. However, modern life can’t be imagined without the usage of modern technical equipment. It is proved that the usage of equipment for blind students contributes to the active adaptation of a visually impaired persons to the society.

The project aim is to achieve autonomy, improving the quality of life and the development of intelligence of both our college students and another audience.

The results of the project will serve as a venue for various events (seminars, trainings, festivals) for different organizations supporting disabled people in Grodno and the region.


Location of the project:

53 BLK str., Grodno region, Grodno, 230017, Republic of Belarus

Project budget: € 64,300 EUR

Expected Result (scheme):